The Death Plague

Death Plague: Day 2

Next time I order a retreat and regroup, I need to remind engineering that this includes silencing all incoming communications. Except of course communications from the mother planet. But the communications that actually got to command… I didn’t need the constant beeps interrupting the deep focus needed for me to martial resources to combat the…
That rogue AI was starting school


Lilly Miriam Hewitt sniffed snootily and sipped her tea. Her gaze focused on the school across the way, specifically the students. Or one in particular. In her many years, not that she’d admit how many those were, she’d never seen anyone so audacious up the walk.
Happy Pioneer Day


Elrin shifted his footing again as the sands shifted. Even the bulk of their ship offered no protection from the wind and only marginal from the heat. He squinted into the distance, but golden dunes were all he could see. No plants. No life. No shelter. And certainly no rescue ships would find them here. He raised his arm and whipped the sweat from his eyes.
It was never going to be a ordinary day


This week the flash fiction delves into a flash of starting a new job. What is your worst experience with starting at a new workplace? Frank stopped abruptly at a cubicle. Spinning to face me, he smiled disconcertingly. “You’ll be working here.” I squeezed past him and pulled open a drawer. “Any questions? No. Great.”…