
He was going back

Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write, as part of a group, a flash fiction based on the same short prompt and post the story. I hope you enjoy this week’s contribution.

Kyn stumbled up the turret’s last steps. She halted against the crenellations but Lanyth was a distant blur already. He was going back.

Reaching beyond the wall, spells prickled against her fingertips. That pain would strengthen if she followed. Pulling back, Kyn fell to her knees. He was going back.

Ricia’d banished him . . . trapped her. They’d barely found peace. But one letter, words he’d shielded from her, and he’d flown with dawn.

He was going back.

Rising she screamed. The words tumbled, unwound about magic. Hounds to chase where she could not.

He’d never make it back.

Don’t forget to read the other’s takes on the prompt. More stories go up throughout the day. Be sure to check our page on Facebook for updates as everything becomes available: WonHundred Words.

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