Villains on the Loose

From The Author, Jenna Eatough

Author Jenna Eatough and the Emergency LightsAs the weather turns cooler, (glowers at the thermometer and high temps), allegedly, I bring you a cautionary tale.

Seven years ago, I finished out my long day at work and completed shopping for necessary supplies. I returned to my car completely unaware of what would greet me. However, upon turning the ignition key the warning lights burned bright across my dashboard.

All of them.

And they didn’t turn off.

For some reason this was a bit alarming, and I immediately sought assistance. After examining my car, the mechanic determined the culprit of my car’s panic. A leaf.

Yes, dear reader. A leaf. A singular leaf.

This leaf had somehow managed to swirl up from the ground, attack my vehicle, and lodge itself into the air intake. The mechanic, having fought a valiant battle with the leaf, returned my car to me in working order.

So, with the temperature cooling once more (glowers at the thermometer), beware as the leaves escape their trees prisons once more. The natural predators of cars are on the loose.

P.S. No, I do not think this is a likely scenario to run into. However, when I saw the picture I took that night, I couldn’t help but share the tale. Do keep up your car maintenance though. No one wants to see you on the side of the road!

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