The Gift

Author Jenna Eatough's Flash Fiction Story from writing prompt: She had the gift

Wednesday has come around again, and I’m happy to present this week’s flash fiction.

Adrolore paused before his pile of books catching the sound of his pages conversing nearby. A soft murmur, but enough to disturb. He could not be constantly harried.

Scowling, he forced his mind back. Something they’d said teased his mind. But what? Leaning back, he scratched beneath his beard.

A girl.

They’d mentioned a girl. Just another girl among the myriads of petitioners plaguing his time.

The words coalesced in his mind, and Adrolore froze. She had the gift.

They’d said she had the gift! Ukora’s prophecy had been fulfilled! His protegee had arrived! In the form of a small girl, true, but one blessed with the gift. Magic had grown too rare.

“Why didn’t you tell me she’d arrived!” he bellowed. He dashed into long strides and passed the pages before they could respond.

“But you said no petitioners today!” The voice chased him desperately.

Must he explain everything to them? Could they not discern he’d want to see a magic blessed child?

Bursting through the manor’s doors, he spotted a trio walking toward the gates. Two men with a small girl between then.

“You!” Adrolore tossed his beard over his shoulder. “You.” He pointed at the girl. “You have the gift?”

She turned and held up a brightly wrapped bundle. “A gift to please bless our farm with rain.”

Adrolore rocked back on his heels, scouring his memory. No. Not, she had the gift. They’d said she’d had a gift. Bother, time wasted and still no protegee.

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Be sure to check out the other Wednesday Words authors’ take on the prompt.

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