A Mighty Fortress of Trailers

From the Author

Launch day for A Mighty Fortress is coming up quick. Next Tuesday in fact. I’ve enjoyed the story trailers for eight of the stories in the anthology. Each story is written by a terrifically talented author and I can’t wait to read them all. In the meantime, I’ve collected all the trailers for you below. Which are you the most excited for?

Mighty Fortress Story Trailers
"Beautiful Zion, Built Above" by Bryce Beattie
Deep below the waves of Yellowstone Lake, thermal vents power enormous pistons which in turn provide power to the city built above. Every night, something attacks this machinery, threatening the livelihoods and very lives of the city's pioneer settlers. One ambitious junior repairist takes it upon himself to find and stop the monster responsible. But can a rubber and brass suit possibly stand up to a prehistoric behemoth?
"Crossroads of the Sky" by Jenna Eatough
Annabelle enjoys working on a fueling platform high above the plains of Utah. However, when the army flies in Annabelle must fight for her home.
"Eternal Round" by Elizabeth Meuller
Sariah hides a secret pain that is wrenched to light with a simple touch of an ancient artifact that is delivered to her museum. She is thrust back into time and lives out Samuel the Lamanite's fantastic feat of survival upon Zarahemla's wall.
"Follow the Temple" by Nate Givens
Bennie Browning is sent to fetch the wandering Nauvoo Striding Temple when it abandons the pioneers. Can she retrieve the structure and bring it home before others get there first?
"Joined in Silence" by John D. Payne
Hans Henry did not expect the knock in the night, or the self-emancipated labor automaton, Brother Pilgram. A simple request to have a song written has Brother Pilgram, Hans and his wife at odds about what life means.
"Mekanikers" by Kevin Folkman
LDS immigration agent Arthur Kessler tries to prepare a group of Danish converts for an invasion of dock pirates, intent on stealing the immigrants meager possessions when they dock in New Orleans. However, two mechanically minded Danish brothers have a surprise for the thieves, steampowered and assembled in the ship's hold that promises to shift the balance of power in favor of the immigrants.
"The Many Wives of Solomon King" by Christopher McAfee
Whether to spite the wife who abandoned him or to fill the hole she left behind, Solomon King is driven to build a better wife. Hiding in the hills outside Kirtland, he builds one after another, each more perfect than the last, bringing Solomon nearer to his deserved reward.
"The Tunnel" by Jay Barnson
Under the streets of London something has gone wrong. Women are disappearing and Eloise White, journalist, is determined to discover why.

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