
This is how I saved the world

Wednesday has come around again and I’m happy to present this week’s flash fiction.

Save the world.

The alarms tore the thought away in dissent scream until I only knew this was too familiar. I forced air in my lungs, dragging my gaze from the floor.

The engine crew swarmed about trailing hoses and curses. I grabbed Nadine’s arms as she rushed nearby. She rebounded against me, thrown off by my abrupt grip.

She pushed away faster than I could right her, spinning toward me. Rage, confusion, fear flashed across her face as she registered who I was. “Captain?” Her words carried hesitation. “We’re working to restore engine stability as quickly as possible. I should–”

“What caused this?” I interrupted. “This damage.” I waived my hand at the chamber.

Her eyes flickered wide. “The Nohlat’s surprise attacked us.” She glanced over her shoulder. “You called the alarm.” I released her arm, and, with a nod, she darted off.

The Nohlat? Wisps of memory dashed through my head followed by blinding light as I reached for the device we transported. We were attacked. We’d lost. Explosions tore my world apart.

My eyes snapped open. The device! I’d used it. This is how I saved the world by cut the flow before the explosion.

A hand closed over mine. Nadine held me away from the controls. I opened my mouth holler at her, but beyond her I saw… Nadine.

Wrapping her arms around me, she activated personal shield on her arm. “Let this go,” she whispered as the silvery field enveloped us.

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Be sure to check out the other Wednesday Words authors’ take on the prompt.

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