
It had never entered his head

Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write, as part of a group, a flash fiction based on the same short prompt and post the story. I hope you enjoy this week’s contribution.

Arm twisted, Tyrese was forced into the chamber. The grip vanished, and the door slammed shut. He turned to bang on it but lights blazed to life. He retreated back.

“Don’t worry, Tyrese,” the disembodied voice said. Still he knew that voice “This won’t take long.”

“It doesn’t have to take anything, Mia.” He retreated backward, but the lights followed. “This is a mistake. Nothing entered my head.”

Hmmm. The sound echoed in his mind. Most unexpected. We’d thought they would overlook you.

“No,” Tyrese said his arm dropped in shock. He couldn’t be their next host.

But you are.

Don’t forget to read the other’s takes on the prompt. More stories go up throughout the day. Be sure to check our page on Facebook for updates as everything becomes available: WonHundred Words.

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