Dancing in the Stars

My heart pounded wildly

What is WonHundred Word Wednesdays? It’s when a group of amazing authors and I write 100 word stories all based on the same short prompt and post them. All the variations are fun to read. Here is my entry for the week.

The darkest night clothed me, trailing stars as I leapt. Reaching to the heavens, they reached back. My fingers trailed though comets’ dust. Their light cascaded about me as I spun.

My ankle shook landing on aether. I scolded myself. This was nothing. Another performance. Telling myself thus didn’t make it true. I danced in the night, danced with only one watcher. His verdict more terrifying than any previous master’s.  His silence absolute.

At music’s end, I landed curled over one leg. A pointed toe. Arms stretched before me. My heart pounded wildly as I awaited the Night God’s verdict.

Now see the rest!

Alison Woods (Peering Into. . .): alisonmillerwoods.wordpress.com
Amryn Scott: wildscottkids.wordpress.com
Angela Schroeder: angelaschroederauthor.blogspot.com
Canda Mortensen: candamortensen.blogspot.com
Ginny Romney: romneyrants.blogspot.com
Jaclyn Weist: jaclynweist.blogspot.com
Jessica Winn, The Distracted Writer: thedistractedwriter.com
K.R. Wilburn: www.krwilburn.com/my-blog.html
Kat!e Larson: katesnovelidea.blogspot.com
Kelly Martin, Author: www.kellymartinbooks.blogspot.com
Laura D. Bastian: www.lauradbastian.com
Leah Sanders, inklings: inklings-leahsanders.blogspot.com
Lindzee Armstrong/Lydia Winters: lindzeearmstrong.blogspot.com
Miranda D. Nelson: www.mirandadnelson.blogspot.com
R.K. Grow: www.rkgtheauthor.com
Stephanie Worlton’s Kreating Krazy blog: stephanieworlton.blogspot.com
Wendy Knight, Author: www.wendyknightauthor.blogspot.com

6 thoughts on “Dancing in the Stars

  1. Great job! Sort of has a Phantom of the Opera feel to it. Or maybe that’s just cuz my sister was humming the main song as I read it 😉

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