Silent Thunder

Author Jenna Eatough's Flash Fiction Story from writing prompt: Until the year I broke my ear

Wednesday has come around again, and I’m happy to present this week’s flash fiction.

“Why are you here?”

I don’t know how I knew the rumbling voice spoke those words. If one could call the clashing harmonics words. But I knew.

Even knowing didn’t relieve the tension of a creature of myth staring down with what I could only hope wasn’t a ravenous expression. Refusing to stand on trembling legs, I sat.

This didn’t help the view, but folding myself tightly kept the worst tremors at bay.

“I was a member Asirald’s drum unit.” Recognition flicked over the dragon’s eyes. “Not just a member, I lead the unit.

I felt the dragon’s appreciation rumble through stone. “An honorable unit.” He bobbed his head. “Carrying the thunder of war with men.”

I stared at him, certain of his words, until a hot air whipped about me.

“I served, until the year I broke my ear.” Raising my hand, I touched the ear I’d first broken. The sound vanished from it. That fate had befallen the other scant months later. Now, I heard only constant ringing.

I didn’t say such, but I saw in the dragon’s eyes it knew. “Why do you fret over this lose?” it asked.

“Because I can’t serve.” The response came quickly.

“Can you not?” A rumble filled the ground, rattling sharply through me and ending abruptly. Only to return again. A rhythm followed, shaking my bones. “Feel what you cannot hear.”

“And bellow it out.” My eyes widened, understanding what the dragon hadn’t said. I felt what I could not hear.

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Be sure to check out the other Wednesday Words authors’ take on the prompt.

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