
His attempts to regale her with tales

Scalding droplets dotted my arm drawing my attention from the hedges lining the edge of the cafe when Ivory abruptly raised her spoon from her cup to point with. “There. There. He’s at it again.”

I brushed my fingers over the splotches of tea without bothering to turn to investigate the source of Ivory’s excitement. Vince was not doubt attempting to woo Justine again. His attempts to regale her with tales were… laughable. At best. Clucking my tongue, I glowered at the spoon.

Pursing her lips, she dropped the offending implement back to the table. “We can’t just let him continue–”

I arched my eyebrow and Ivory fell silent as quickly as if she had been gagged. “We most certainly can.” I turned my attention back to the hedges. “Especially considering other… incidents are brewing.”

Ivory twisted in her chair, not bothering to hide as she traced where I was looking. Between the brilliant green leaves of the overly manicured shrubs were the occasional flashes of red. She twisted back, eyes wide, and hands still braced on the chair’s arms puffing her elbows up to comical angles. “No.” Her voice was quiet with denial. “Not again?”

I blinked and nodded my head less than a fraction. “Again. Follow my lead.” Rising from the table I dropped a tinkling of coins. I glanced at Vince trying to ply Justine again. Keeping foolishly obsessed girls away was time consuming, but less taxing than trying to change the right woman’s weary heart.

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