Cutting Through

Author Jenna Eatough's Flash Fiction Story from writing prompt: The best way to cut him down to size

Wednesday has come around again, and I’m happy to present this week’s flash fiction.

After a season spent traveling through the wilds of Dwale, Ryfin found herself before a world tree. The giant towered above them, visible above the canopy of the Rindel Woods.

A world tree. Those weren’t seen beyond the Ealdnearth Elves’s cities, and one grew here marking the Vaphine caverns. A fortuitous sign.

Rylin turned toward her companions. “We made it.”

The others stood equally stunned. She couldn’t blame them. Of her companions, only Nevarth would have seen one before.

And he wasn’t in line.

Ryfin scanned for the elf to find him slouching against a tree. “Shall we get on with it?” He quirked an eyebrow noting her attention. “Or do we need more gawking time?”

Ryfin blinked at the nonchalance in his voice. Even if they had an urgent mission. “Let’s.”

Clapping his hands, Nevarth stood straight. “Excellent.” He pulled his blade from its sheath. “The best way to cut him down to size, is with a dunefel blade.” Shrugging at Ryfin, he strode purposefully forward. “Which, luckily, mine is.”

“Whoa!” Ryfin and the rest cried, darting between Nevarth and the tree.

Nevarth rolled his eyes. “The blasted thing’s blocking the caverns.”

“That doesn’t mean we chop it up!” Ryfin protested. “It’s sacred to Ealdnearth,”

Nevarth shrugged. “You’ve seen one, you’ve seen a hundred.”

“But you’re Ealdnearth.”

Nevarth raised a finger. “An exiled Ealdnearth.” Launching forward, he vaulted over their heads. Ryfin spun about to see him slice the trunk. He winked over his shoulder. “Exiled with cause.”

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Be sure to check out the other Wednesday Words authors’ take on the prompt.

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