The Old Man

Who would have poisoned the old man's dog

Welcome to Wednesday’s flash fiction wherein I write as part of a group based on the same short prompt and post them. Here’s my contribution.

“Who would have poisoned the old man’s dog?” The whisper circled ‘round the crowd as he cradled his whimpering companion. Harmless was the pair of them, the village knew it. At least that’s what they thought.

I knew better. I’d learned their secret sheltering in his cellar last winter. It’d seemed a warm enough spot. I hadn’t expected to discover a dragon hunter’s base.

Seemed someone else knew too.

The old man looked up as his beast breathed its last. His eyes found me without trying. He was too old to hunt now, but I reckoned my time was starting.

Don’t forget to read the other’s takes on the prompt. More stories go up throughout the day. Be sure to check our page on Facebook for updates as everything becomes available: WonHundred Words.

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