Gift to the Depths

Poetry & Filk

April is National Poetry Month! I love poetry and want to celebrate the month so I’ll be posting a poem on my blog at least once a week this month and perhaps beyond. Here is this week’s entry “Gift to the Depths.”

The stone is rough now beneath one hand
In the other fast cold metal thaws.
On dandelions, stars, and more I’ve wished
Though each before has rebuked my cause.

Still one last hope brought me to your edge
Hear my plea now as my words rebound
Echoing to the guardian there
Bound by this coin in your depths to drowned.

A step, a breath and now one last plea.
“Well of the waters, grant me my wish.”

A drop and I stir to raise one hand.
Her words warm worlds as the future thaws
To wander through paths that other wished.
Can I answer is there enough cause?

I balance the coin upon its edge
Embracing each word till they rebound
Baring the answer. Ah yes, it’s there.
Dropping the coin show a face that’s drowned.

Your desire’s true I heard your plea.
Harken all now! Grow one with the wish.

I hope you enjoyed this week’s poem. If you’d like, feel free to leave a comment below. If you’re brave, I hope you’ll write your own poetry and share the link with me.

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