What is WonHundred Word Wednesdays? It’s when a group of amazing authors and I write 100 word stories all based on the same short prompt and post them. All the variations are fun to read. Here is my entry for the week.
Dust hung thick from the countless trudging feet. It clung to my skin, filled my lungs, and flavored my tongue. It glimmered red in the dying light. Hope burned in its confines.
“Worst part of the day.” Rys shifted on his horse, bored.
I grunted in response. No part of this was good, but with dusk the tortured cries diminished at least. Souls were too weary for protests or fights. Those came with dawn.
I closed my eyes. It would only be a fling I promised again. A few months service to Gehenna for Kalina’s freedom was worth the nightmares.
Don’t forget to read the other’s takes on the prompt. Theirs go up throughout the day.
Alison Woods (Peering Into. . .): alisonmillerwoods.wordpress.com
DawnRay Ammon: areaderlivinginthewritingworld.blogspot.com
Eliza Crosby: authorelizacrosby.blogspot.com
Jaclyn Weist: jaclynweist.blogspot.com
K.R. Wilburn: krwilburnbooks.com/blog
Kaye P. Clark: kayepclarkwriter.blogspot.com
Miranda D. Nelson: www.mirandadnelson.blogspot.com
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