Black and White

The little boy’s idea of heaven was

What is WonHundred Word Wednesdays? It’s when a group of amazing authors and I write 100 word stories all based on the same short prompt and post them. All the variations are fun to read. Here is my entry for the week.

The little boy’s idea of heaven was quaint. Stroking his hair, I smiled hoping to reassuring him. Compassion is not my thing. “Yes, you’re exactly right. Heaven’s just like that.” At least as long as he believed that he wouldn’t catch my lie.

A flutter caught my attention. “Edeline.” I stepped away from the child. She’d care for him now.

“Edyth.” She gave a curt nod wrapping as her white wing about him. Even centuries couldn’t cure our mutual dislike.

Drawing my sword, I spread my wings, black as the depths. Shepherding was Edeline’s job. Time to return to mine.

Don’t forget to read the other’s takes on the prompt. Theirs go up throughout the day.

Amryn Scott:
Denise Kasanicky:
Jaclyn Weist:
Jenna Eatough:
Jenifer Lee:
Kaye P. Clark:
Laura D. Bastian:
Miranda D. Nelson:

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